INNO-MIR Company celebrates its 10th anniversary!

INNO-MIR Company celebrates its 10th anniversary!

January 23, 2013 - the date of the official start of the company "INNO-MIR". Today we celebrate our first anniversary and summarize the interim results of our activities over the past decade!

Over the past period, we have organized about 90 scientific events, both international and All-Russian, attended by more than 18 thousand delegates from various cities of the Russian Federation, near and far abroad.

INNO-MIR has initiated and organized several of its own projects aimed at interdisciplinary scientific cooperation, the interaction of science, business and industry, the development of innovative and environmental culture.

One of the projects for the development of innovative culture became the basis for writing your own book!

In addition, we acted as a project coordinator and co-organizer of events in Vienna (Austria) and Shanghai (China), hosted a Nobel laureate in St. Petersburg, traveled around the world and the country, attending various events to gain experience and borrow the best finds and ideas!

On my birthday, we thank all our partners for fruitful cooperation during all these years!

We are heading towards new achievements with optimism and new ideas!